On January 8, 2014, I published my very first “welcome” post on Destress the Damsel. It hardly seems possible that time has flown by so fast, but here I am 10 years later, bringing to you my 123rd article!
My hope is that every “damsel” who has visited my blog has come away in some regard a better wife, a better mother, a better woman. If one lady learned one thing from Destress the Damsel that she implemented into her life for good, this work has not been in vain. If one lady learned to love her husband or children a little bit more, if one lady learned to be a little bit more sensible or pure, if one lady learned to be a little bit better of a worker at home, or to be a little bit more kind, or a little bit better at subjecting to her husband…I say “mission accomplished”. (Titus 2:4-5)
For today’s article, I want to share a brief highlight reel of the last ten years with you. There will be a “Chaste’s Choice Award” for my personal favorite article from each year. (Yes, I went back and read all 122!) Sometimes it was incredibly hard to pick a favorite (whether because that year’s articles were so good or so bad, I’ll let you be the judge) but this list is about as definitive as it’s gonna get. At the end, I will reveal my #1 all-time favorite article. Are you ready for some nostalgia? Let’s take it back to 2014…
Chaste’s Choice: Erroneous Equality
In this early blog, Lil’ Baby Chaste shares about the importance of being a submissive wife in a world that demands “equality” for men and women. While I had a long way to go with my writing and organization skills 10 years ago, the scriptural truths found in Erroneous Equality stand the test of time.
Chaste’s Choice: Sporadic Surrender
This article cites several reasons why we should obey God on His terms, and at all times. Many proclaim their love for God, but those who are accepted are not those who engage in Sporadic Surrender, but those who live their lives in full surrender to God each and every day.
Chaste’s Choice: Father Knows Best
Light-years ahead of my first two years of blogging material, by this time I was using illustrations, introductions, conclusions, outlines, and photos in my articles. Father Knows Best addresses 5 significant ways that mothers can encourage their children to honor their fathers.
Chaste’s Choice: Working With Winter
Seasons come and seasons go, and Winter is no exception. In Working With Winter, I compare the trials of this life to the Winter season. Read to learn 3 encouraging facts about Winter that are applicable for both a dismal season of year and a dismal season of life.
Chaste’s Choice: A Mary Heart
Mary, the Mother of Jesus: was she just an ordinary lady, or did she have a touch of the extraordinary? One thing we know, she was a woman of virtue that we would do well to emulate. A Mary Heart focuses on 3 special attributes of Mary that made her an exceptional choice for being the mother of our Lord.
Chaste’s Choice: Thankful in Theory
The Thanksgiving holiday can be a joyous time of celebration, or a stressful time of chaos…and we women have a lot to do with setting the tone for the home. Thankful in Theory gives 5 practical tips on how to be a pumpkin to your family on Thanksgiving. (That is, unless you’d rather follow the 5 tongue-in-cheek tips on how to be a turkey!)
Chaste’s Choice: H.O.W. A Man-Eater Is Made
What do crocodiles, lions, sharks, and angry women have in common? They all have the propensity for being a man-eater! There are 3 options for H.O.W. A Man-Eater Is Made that are revealed in this article. Check them out so you can avoid becoming the most dangerous “man-eater” of all!
Chaste’s Choice: Intoxicating Masculinity
“Toxic Masculinity” is a favored phrase of 21st century feminists…but is masculinity really toxic? For those of us who love our husbands and God’s design for manhood, Intoxicating Masculinity is more like it! “15 things I love about my man” is the theme of this blog that encourages wives to look for and praise the good in their own husbands.
Chaste’s Choice: Lopsided Love – Living Like Leah
Do you ever feel unloved by your husband? Jacob’s wife, Leah, knew all about the sorrow of unrequited love. Lopsided Love – Living Like Leah shares 9 unique ways that she dealt with her pain. Take another look at this underrated Bible figure – I bet you’ll never see her in the same way again!
Chaste’s Choice: Meme, Myself, and I
In today’s digital age, access to social media can be both a blessing and a curse. For some, it leans far more on the curse side of things. How healthy is your usage of social media? In Meme, Myself, and I, we consider 5 dangers to be aware of when using online platforms.
Before my #1 all-time favorite article is revealed, allow me to share with you 3 honorable mentions…
On Account of Angels – learn 3 things that wives have in common with these heavenly beings.
How to “Merry” a Married Man – discover 3 foolproof ways to make your husband wild for you.
My Future is Female – gather 22 tips and tricks that are guaranteed to level up your femininity.
Don’t sleep on these three eye-opening articles…they will put your God-given feminine energy into overdrive and make a queen out of you.
Now, without further ado, my #1 Chaste’s Choice Award goes to…
Is there any surprise here? Anyone who knows me, knows that my husband is my superhero…and Intoxicating Masculinity exonerates him both as the head of my home and the love of my life. But my love for my man is not the only reason I fancy this article. I chose Intoxicating Masculinity as my #1 Chaste’s Choice Award because it is a frank and fearless representation of the two (inseparable) topics I am most passionate about: Godly Marriage and Biblical Gender Ethics. This no-holds-barred article that honors the masculinity of men will certainly make any feminist’s head spin, yet it will ignite a fervent flame of love in the hearts of truth-seeking, feminine wives. If you are a wife who strives to be a lover and not a fighter, this one’s for you.
In conclusion…
It has been a joy and privilege to serve you “damsels” from this humble little corner of the World Wide Web. Destress the Damsel has afforded me much purpose and personal growth over the last ten years. I must admit, not every blogging day was rainbows and butterflies. There have been days when I battled every blogger’s worst enemy: writer’s block, days when I felt like throwing in the towel, days when I asked myself, “what’s the point, does anyone even read this old thing?”. My blog has never exactly been a booming website with a large audience. Frankly, there is little interest these days in being a Titus 2 woman. However, what keeps me writing is that one lady I referenced back in the intro. The one lady who I could maybe, just maybe, encourage and inspire to be a better human being. Maybe that one lady is a past reader, a present reader, or even a future reader. Maybe that one lady is you. Sometimes, that one lady is me…because when I teach, I learn. Whoever you are, wherever you are, Destress the Damsel is a labor of love for you…and I hope I have the opportunity to serve you for another ten years, and beyond.
Do you have a favorite article you’d like to share? It would make my day to find out in the comment section below.
For God’s glory,
Mrs. Dustin Bolks
Chaste Bolks is a church of Christ preacher’s wife, and the home educating mother of two children. She and her family currently reside in Northwest Iowa.